Friday, February 03, 2006 Does Texas!

A couple of us have just returned from Austin, Texas, where we attended a conference and schmoozed like crazy.

Having recently obtained DPS-approval for our parent-taught online course in Texas, we were pretty excited about meeting these people. Most seemed really hyped about developing liaisons with us and checking out the site, so all in all I'd say it was successful.

I've never been to Austin before so my eyes felt big as platters the whole weekend. It's got a great night life and some really nice people. At some point, I wrote down a few funny phrases I heard in casual conversation:

"These are some cute lil' boogers!" (In reference to our I AM NOT A STATISTIC wristbands.)

"Well, kiss a fat baby!" (This is a way of saying, "Isn't that something!" or "I'll be!")

I got exceptionally cool responses when asking, "How are you?":

"I'm as happy as a spotted dog under a wagon!"

"I'm happy as a dead pig in the sunshine!"

Whole 'nother language down there, man.